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The Fallen Officers Memorial Trust of the Fall River Police *
Lista de prêmios de bolsa de estudos

Bolsa de estudo American Dream Challenge (concurso de redação da 4ª série)

American Dream Challenge Scholaship

2015 - Por ADC, programa encerrado

2014 - Por ADC, nenhum prêmio feito

2013 - Por ADC, nenhum prêmio feito

2012 - Matthew Ballairgeon - Escola Silvia

2011 - Audrey Figuerido - Escola de Viveiros

2009 - Jessica Miranda - Escola Greene

2008 - Kendra Pereira - Escola Westall

2007 - Briannah Borges - Escola Doran

2006 - Amber Cordeiro - Escola Laurel Lake

2005 - Tiara Castro - Escola Westall

2004 - Samantha Martins - Escola Laurel Lake

2003 - Savyro Say - Lincoln School

2002 - Jonathan Galego - Escola Carroll

2002 - Emily Cone - Carroll School

2002 - Jerome Young - Connell School

2001 - Shane Souza - Escola Wixon

2001 - Alyssa Raposo - Escola NB Borden

2000 - Ariel Guertin - Escola Spencer Borden

2000 - Alexa Quental - Escola Spencer Borden

1999 - Ronald Beaulieu - Westall School

1999 - Joseph McCarthy - Westall School

1999 - Alexandra Levitskaya - Lincoln School

1998 - Nathaniel Cordeiro - Escola NB Borden

1998 - Melanie Correia - Escola Davol

1998 - Chad Cotton - Slade School

1997 - Matthew Luzitano - Escola do Santo Nome

1997 - Lindsay Rousseau - Academia Dominicana

1996 - Robert Boutin - Escola Notre Dame

BCC Memorial Scholarship for Criminal Justice Students

BCC Memorial Scholarship

2020 - Natalie Rivas - New Bedford, MA

2020 - Richard Reis - New Bedford, MA

2020 - Dalton Pinto - Mattapoisett, MA

2020 - Dakota Chixarro - New Bedford, MA

2019 - Devin Wyrostek - Seekonk, MA

2019 - Natalie Rivas - New Bedford, MA

2018 - Coral Aiello - Newport, RI

2017 - Barriann Kelley - New Bedford, MA

2016 - Aline Bellangero - New Bedford, MA

2016 - Barri Ann Kelley - New Bedford, MA

2015 - Tamra Fiori - Johnston, RI

2015 - Ryan Mendonca - New Bedford, MA

2014 - Richard Paradise II - Fall River, MA

2014 - Vanessa Vega - New Bedford, MA

2014 - Steven Couto - Swansea, MA

2013 - Mariemily Rodriguez - New Bedford, MA

2012 - Priscilla Elias - Fall River, MA (estudante CJ)

2011 - Jason Kobelecki - Fall River, MA (estudante CJ)

2010 - Sem premiação em 2010 - falta de retorno do investimento

2009 - Sem premiação em 2009 - falta de retorno do investimento

2008 - Karyssa Ahaesy - (filha, Sgt. D. Ahaesy)

2007 - Adam Negalha - E. Freetown, MA (aluno CJ)

2007 - Jade Nieuwenhuizen - New Bedford, MA (estudante CJ)

2007 - Michelle McVay - North Easton, MA (estudante CJ)

2007 - Danielle Barbuto - Taunton, MA (estudante CJ)

2006 - Danielle Barbuto - Taunton, MA (estudante CJ)

2006 - Adam Negalha - E. Freetown, MA (aluno CJ)

2006 - Timothy Foster - Warren, RI (aluno CJ)

2005 - Cassandra Bodo - Fall River, MA (estudante CJ)

2004 - Angela Ramunno - (filha, Off. D. Ramunno)

2004 - Ronnette Barros - New Bedford, MA (estudante CJ)

2004 - Brooke Galligan - Fall River, MA (estudante CJ)

2003 - Megan Sullivan - (filha, Off. Wm. Sullivan)

2002 - Jason Mueller - Fall River, MA (estudante CJ)

2001 - Miranda Post-Maher - (filha, Off. Jeffrey Maher)

2000 - Christine Brizida - Acushnet, MA (estudante CJ)

2000 - Dawn Cohn - Taunton, MA (estudante CJ)

2000 - Jason Ferreira - Fall River, MA (aluno CJ)

1999 - Michael Troia - (filho, Off. M. Troia)

1999 - Jolene Oliver - New Bedford, MA (estudante CJ)

1998 - Michael Troia - (filho, Off. M. Troia)

1998 - Brad Rodrigues - (filho, Ten. G. Rodrigues)

1997 - Danielle Proulx - (filha, Off. Richard Proulx)

1997 - Melanie Medeiros - (neta, Off. Wm Cyr)

1996 - Michele Bolger - (filha, tenente JR Costa)

Bolsa de estudos de educação continuada FRPD

FRPD Continuing Eduation

2020 - Tenente Antonio A. Elumba, Jr. - Unidade de Identificação

2020 - Sgt. James T. Hoar - Unidade de Padrões Profissionais

2019 - Det. Charles Souza - Unidade de Ligação com o Tribunal

2019 - desativado. Joseph Galvão - Divisão de Uniforme

2018 - desativado. William Platt - Divisão Uniforme

2018 - desativado. Charles Souza - Divisão de Uniforme

2017 - Sem Candidato

2016 - Off. Joseph Galvão - Divisão de Uniforme

2015 - Off. Joseph Galvão - Divisão de Uniforme

2014 - Off. Bryan Nadeau - Divisão Uniforme

2013 - Sem Requerente

2012 - Sem Requerente

2011 - Off. Joshua Carreiro - Divisão de Uniformes

2010 - Sem Candidato

2009 - Off. Bryan Nadeau - Divisão Uniforme (prêmio diferido)

2008 - Nenhum candidato

2007 - Nenhum candidato

2006 - Nenhum candidato

2005 - Sgt. John Champagne - Unidade de Ligação com o Tribunal

2005 - Sgt. Daniel Dube - Unidade de Vice e Inteligência

2004 - Nenhum candidato

2003 - Sgt. Wayne Furtado - Unidade de Vice e Inteligência

2003 - Desligado. Peter DaLuz - Divisão Uniforme

2002 - Nenhum candidato

2001 - Desligado. Gerald Wiley - Divisão de Serviços de Equipe

2000 - desativado. Thomas Burns - Divisão Uniforme

1999 - Desligado. Manuel Bernardo - Divisão de Uniforme

1998 - Sgt. Paul Mattos - Unidade de Vice e Inteligência

1998 - desativado. Jeffrey Cardoza - Unidade de Polícia Comunitária

1997 - Off. Daniel Ahaesy - Divisão Uniforme

1996 - Capitão A. Morrissette - Divisão de Uniforme

Bolsa de estudos do Memorial College para alunos do ensino médio (Giunta)

Giunta Memorial Scholarship high school seniors

2020 - Julia Kelly - BMC Durfee High School - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2020 - Dakota Moniz - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Rhode Island College

2020 - Christopher Dupuis - Bishop Connolly High School - Universidade Bryant

2019 - Amaya Travassos - BMC Durfee High School - Providence College

2019 - Kara Berube - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - Bridgewater State University

2019 - Nicolas Howayeck - Bishop Connolly High School - Syracuse University

2019 - Benjamin Ramos - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - Boston College

2018 - Arthur Worsley - BMC Durfee High School - Providence College

2018 - Curtis Melo - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass - Dartmouth

2018 - Lauren LeClair - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Dartmouth

2018 - Caitlin Borges - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de New Hampshire

2017 - Isabel McDonnell - BMC Durfee High School - Merrimack College

2017 - Alex Amorim - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass Dartmouth

2017 - Colby T. Dunlop - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Lowell

2017 - Jonathan Klinker - Bishop Connolly High School - Colégio da Santa Cruz

2016 - Chelsey Aguiar - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Amherst

2016 - Fallon Boragine - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass Amherst

2016 - Meredith Forcier - BMC Durfee High School - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

2015 - Thao Le - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Amherst

2015 - Terryn Borkman - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - Brockton Hosp. Escola de Enfermagem

2015 - Brianna Raposo - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade da Pensilvânia


2014 - Kasey Andrade - BMC Durfee High School - Bridgewater State University

2014 - Vanessa Calouro - Bishop Connolly High School - Brown University

2014 - Miranda Zenni - BMC Durfee High School - Brandeis University


2013 - Corrine Lauriano - BMC Durfee High School - Bridgewater State University

2013 - Shannon Carey - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Rhode Island College

2013 - Nina Consonni - Bishop Connolly High School - Rhode Island College

2013 - Kaitlyn Gagnon - Bishop Connolly High School - Simmons College


2012 - Peter Le - Bishop Connolly High School - Northeastern University

2012 - Kaitlyn Berube - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - Mount Ida College

2012 - Hailey Cambra - BMC Durfee High School - Worcester Polytech

2012 - Sarah Lapointe - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Amherst


2011 - Haydy George - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Boston

2011 - Jacob Chace - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass Dartmouth

2010 - Jessica Farrell - Bishop Connolly High School - Salve Regina University

2010 - Frederico Grizotte - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass Dartmouth

2010 - Kayla Arruda - BMC Durfee High School - Northeastern University


2009 - Rute C. Silva - BMC Durfee High School - Brown University

2009 - Gabrielle Lachance - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - UMass Dartmouth


2008 - Patricia Arruda - Bishop Connolly High School - Universidade de Wisconsin

2008 - Hina Naveed - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - College of Staten Island

2008 - Alana Hallisey - BMC Durfee High School - Chapman University (CA)


2007 - Meredith Taylor - BMC Durfee High School - Boston College

2007 - Caitlin Belanger - BMC Durfee High School - College of the Holy Cross


2006 - Brendan R. Medeiros - BMC Durfee High School - Holy Cross College

2006 - Natasha Resendes - BMC Durfee High School - Smith College


2005 - Kellen S. DeOliveira - BMC Durfee High School - Southern Adventist University

2005 - Christina M. Pacheco - Bishop Connolly High School - Universidade de Notre Dame


2004 - John Pietruszka - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de Dartmouth

2004 - Shelly E. Chase - BMC Durfee High School - Wentworth Institute of Technology


2003 - Megan Veloza - BMC Durfee High School - Stonehill College

2003 - Tina Charest - BMC Durfee High School - Brown University


2002 - James Medeiros, Jr. - BMC Durfee High School - James Madison University

2002 - Lisa Marie Ferreira - BMC Durfee High School - Boston University


2001 - Sophea Sann - BMC Durfee High School - Simmons College

2001 - Elizabeth Teixeira - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de Rhode Island


2000 - Morgan Buonanno - Bishop Connolly High School - Northeastern University


1999 - Nenhum prêmio feito


1998 - Nenhum prêmio concedido

Bolsa de estudos do Memorial College para alunos do ensino médio (Magan)

Magan Memorial Scholarship high school seniors

2020 - Thomas Panchley - BMC Durfee High School - Georgetown University

2020 - Jerrica McCausland - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bristol Community College

2020 - Alexandra Costa - Bishop Connolly High School - Saint Anselm College


2019 - Kali Lima - BMC Durfee High School - Providence College

2019 - Anna Martin - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - UMass Dartmouth

2019 - Khelsey Amaral - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Dartmouth


2018 - Anne-Marie Brilhante - BMC Durfee High School - Salve Regina University

2018 - Jana J. Grimley - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Universidade Estadual de Fitchburg

2018 - Camille Bucci - Bishop Connolly High School - Fairfield University


  2017 - Hannah Steen - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth

2017 - Isabella Raposo - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Rhode Island College

2017 - Gillian Jacome - Bishop Connolly High School - Fordham University


2016 - Emily Furtado - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth

2016 - Kayleigh Noverca - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - UMass Dartmouth

2016 - Grant Mooney - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Dartmouth


2015 - Kelsey Rodrigues - BMC Durfee High School - George Washington Univ

2015 - Daniel Ceurvels - Diman Reg. Voc Tech. HS - Curry College

2015 - Benjamin Kaliff - Bishop Connolly High School - Universidade de Vermont


2014 - Victoria Mancini - BMC Durfee High School - Bridgewater St. University

2014 - Daniel Paiva - Bishop Connolly High School - Stonehill College


  2013 - Bailey Brooks - BMC Durfee High School - Northeastern University

2013 - Tevin Cintron - Diman Reg. Voc Tech HS - Westfield State University

2013 - Keagan Casey - Bishop Connolly High School - Universidade Estadual de San Diego


2012 - Jared Little - BMC Durfee High School - Stonehill College

2012 - Emily Kaliff - Bishop Connolly High School - Rhode Island College

2012 - Katherine N. Costa - BMC Durfee High School - Stonehill College


2011 - Nathan Costa - BMC Durfee High School - Worcester Polytech

2011 - Katherine Raposa - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bristol Community College

2011 - Kathryn Dupere - Westport High School - Syracuse University


2010 - Ron Dumais - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de Rhode Island

2010 - Elizabeth Hubert - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth

2010 - Kelsey Champagne - BMC Durfee High School - Franklin Pierce


2009 - Rebecca Garant - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de Rhode Island

2009 - Melanie McNerney - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade de Rhode Island

2009 - Robert A. Costa, Jr - UMass Dartmouth - UMass Dartmouth


2008 - Helio Matos - Diman Reg. Voc Tech HS - UMass Dartmouth

2008 - Jonathan Pelletier - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth

2008 - Karyssa Ahaesy - Bristol Community College - Bristol Community College


  2007 - Andrew Phenix - BMC Durfee High School - Northeastern University

2007 - Daniel T. Medeiros - Diman Reg Voc Tech High School - UMass Dartmouth

2007 - Brandon Cardoza - Westport High School - UMass Dartmouth


2006 - Sarah Karam - BMC Durfee High School - TBD

2006 - Sarah Benjamin - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Amherst

3º prêmio estabelecido


2005 - Jessica Andrade - BMC Durfee High School - Bridgewater State

2005 - Philip Camara - Bishop Connolly High School - Suffolk University


2004 - Nicholas R. Lake - Dartmouth High School - Emory University

2004 - Rebecca Silvia - BMC Durfee High School - Bridgewater State


2003 - Melanie Wolfgang - New Bedford High School - Brown University

2003 - Elisabeth Ramunno - Westport High School - Estado de Fitchburg


2002 - Katherine E. Lang - Dartmouth High School - Dartmouth College

2002 - Neil Rodrigues - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Dartmouth

Bolsa Memorial para Filhos / Netos de Funcionários do FRPD (Giunta)

Giunta Memorial Scholarship FRPD

2020 - Jacquelyn Rosario - Somerset-Berkley High School - Husson University


2019 - Lauren Mauretti - Bishop Stang High School - Saint Anselm College


2018 - Donovan DaLuz - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth


2017 - Julia Rapoza - Brant Rock High School - UConn


2016 - Sydnee Midura - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bridgewater State University


2015 - Samantha Moura - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth


2014 - Jennifer Malek - Bridgewater State University - Bridgewater State University

2014 - Elizabeth Machado - Old Rochester Regional HS - Endicott College


2013 - Sarah Pacheco - Somerset-Berkley High School - UMass Dartmouth

Bolsa Memorial para Filhos / Netos de Funcionários do FRPD (Magan)

Magan Memorial Scholarship FRPD

2020 - Marissa DaLuz - BMC Durfee High School - Franklin Pierce University


2019 Alisa Feilhauer - Joseph Case High School - Emmanuel College


2018 - Courtney J. Faris - Somerset-Berkley High School - Franklin Pierce University

2018 - Cally Machado - Somerset-Berkley High School - Bridgewater State University


2017 - Dylan Saraiva - Somerset-Berkley High School - Curry College


2016 - Nathan Pacheco - Somerset-Berkley High School - UMass Dartmouth


2015 - Brenen J. Cardoza - Somerset-Berkley High School - Johnson & Wales University


2014 - Kaitlyn Machado - Somerset-Berkley High School - Bristol Community College


2013 - Drew Correiro - Diman Reg. Voc Tech HS - Universidade Estadual de Fitchburg

Memorial Scholarship Off. John W. Ruggeiro

Ruggeiro Memorial Scholarship

2020 - Andrew Saunders - BMC Durfee High School - Emmanuel College


2019 - Richard Sousa - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bristol Community College


2018 - Shaelyn Carreiro - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth


2017 - Maria Cabral - BMC Durfee High School - Rhode Island College


2016 - Bella Archambault - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Dartmouth


2015 - Kyle Godinho - BMC Durfee High School - UMass Amherst


2014 - Brooke Aguiar - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass Dartmouth


2013 - Samantha Costa - Rhode Island College - Rhode Island College

Policial Gideon Manchester com bolsa de estudos comemorativa

Manchester Memorial Scholarship

2020 - Victoria Pimentel - Atlantic Charter School - Universidade de Rhode Island


2019 - Lexy Bolarinho - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bristol Community College


2018 - Sydni Freitas - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Mass College of Pharmacy


2017 - Ashton Begin - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Mass College of Pharmacy


2016 - Nicholas J. Costa - BMC Durfee High School - Universidade Bryant


2015 - Catherine Reagan - BMC Durfee High School - UMass - Dartmouth


2014 - Jack Santoro - Bishop Connolly High School - Fairfield University


2013 - Ian Chaney - Bishop Connolly High School - University of Southern Maine

Memorial Scholarship Off. Louis T. Gormley

Gormley Memorial Scholarship

2020 - Sydney Melo - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Salve Regina University


2019 - Maria Erika Canieso - Diman Reg Voc Tech HS - Bristol Community College


2018 - Elizabeth Brilhante - BMC Durfee High School - Salve Regina University


2017 - Aubrey Correiro - BMC Durfee High School - Rollins College


2016 - Julia Karam - BMC Durfee High School - Northeastern University


2015 - Danny Couto - BMC Durfee High School - UMass - Lowell


2014 - Tharima Ferdausi - BMC Durfee High School - UMass - Dartmouth


2013 - Alexandra Hogan - Bishop Connolly High School - Rhode Island College

Bolsa Memorial Robert P. Lawrence

Rev. Lawrence Memorial Scholarship

2020 - John Viveiros - Bishop Connolly High School - UMass - Dartmouth

Doações de caridade desde 1996

Charitable Donations
  • Festa pós-baile da BMC Durfee High School (anual)  

  • Polícia auxiliar de Fall River (conta uniforme)

  • Fundo Memorial da Polícia de Fall River

  • Filhos do falecido Off. John Faria (fins educacionais)

  • Filhos do falecido Off. Donald Forcier (fins educacionais)

  • Filhos do falecido Off. Wm. Anfield (fins educacionais)

  • Preocupações do Capítulo em Massa dos Sobreviventes da Polícia - Festa de Natal das Crianças (anual)

  • Memorial de aplicação da lei em massa

  • Fundo em memória de oficiais de aplicação da lei nacional

  • Wish Come True, Inc. (anual até 2013)

  • Rockland Police Memorial

  • James Tansey School PTO

  • Associação de Vizinhança de St. Anne (Playground de Inclusão)

  • Filhos do falecido Off. Matthew Silvia (fins educacionais)

Fundo de Projetos Especiais

  • Programa Assento de Segurança Infantil (em parceria com Centro de Saúde da Família)

  • Girls on the Right Track / The Family Healthcare Center (anual de 2012 a 2015)

  • Jovens fuzileiros navais de Fall River

  • Clube de Meninos e Meninas de Fall River

* Nota: Em 2013, o ex-oficial Thomas J. Giunta e o Detetive Richard G. Magan Memorial Trust fundiram-se para formar o Fallen Officers Memorial Trust.

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